5 New Fast Fat-Shrinking Rules

The rules will help you to detox your body and force your fat cells to open so you can release stubborn fat and shrink your fat cells. You can be cleansing away fat mere minutes from now.

New Fat-Shrinking Rule #1

Eat More, Weigh Less
  • Losing weight is not about deprivation; it's about detoxing your body and eating superfoods that burn up quickly, revving up your metabolism so you sizzle off calories all day and all-night long.
  • You will Eat More and Weight Less. With the help of this amazing red tea recipe, you will never feel hungry.
  • The old rules of fat loss will be dumped in the trash can where they belong - and this leads us to our next rule.

New Fat-Shrinking Rule #2

Reduce Stress, Lose Fat
  • This new rule is about reducing your chronically high stress levels, a critical part of losing weight.
  • Follow my advice and you will feel less stressed and release more body fat. It's true. Your stress is holding your body back.
  • Very few people truly understand how chronically high stress levels do serious harm to maintaining proper levels of fat-burning and fat-storing hormones which are required for releasing and burning excess fat.
  • Not only that, but you'll find out about how this red tea recipe, found deep in the heart of Africa, not only reduces stress, it also stimulates your body's natural systems to work together and burn more fat, in less time. So now you know that stress is a huge reason for your excess fat.

New Fat-Shrinking Rule #3

Eliminate Toxins, Drop Pound
  • Did you know that most of the processed food on grocery store shelves contains harmful substances?
  • The common food toxins found in processed foods include:
  1. Nitrates in processed luncheon meats
  2. Omega-6 fatty acids in oils from cottonseed, corn, soybean, safflower, and others
  3. Processed sugar and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) commonly found in soda
  4. GMOs or Genetically modified foods
  5. Residues from pharmaceuticals, manufacturing chemicals, and other toxins in meat, eggs, and dairy
  6. Pesticides and herbicides in conventionally grown produce and grain 

When combined, all these toxic factors can result in low levels of fat-burning hormones and high levels of fat storing hormones in the body and this hormones and high levels of fat-storing hormones in the body, and this dreaded combination can sabotage your fat loss efforts and ruin your chances at having the slender body you want.

It's not just how much you eat, it's what you eat. One of the reasons your body holds onto fat is because it uses that fat as a "safe" storage facility for toxic compounds like pesticides and mercury.
That's why you should seriously consider detoxing your body.

Research by Skidmore College exercise scientist Paul Arciero showed that detoxification can even reduce oxidative stress which has been linked to causing diseases like ALZHEIMER'S.

Even our own bodies can produce toxins without us even knowing. If all these sources of toxins aren't properly taken care of, the build-up can cause critical hormone imbalances which may lead to serious health issues and weight gain, and could end in obesity.

Yes, it's true that 68.7% of Americans are overweight or obese.
The key to finally releasing this type of fat is: (read next rule)

New Fat-Shrinking Rule #4

Rebalance Hormones, Release Stored Fat

Due to cutting-edge research, we now know that the hormone 'Noradrenaline' may hold the key to unlocking fat cells and shrinking them - it's what causes the action of the incredible shrinking fat cell.

Noradrenaline is a stimulant hormone that signals your body to start using your belly fat for energy.

The takeaway here? The more Noradrenaline produced in the body, the more pounds the body naturally sheds. This red tea just so happens to boost Noradrenaline production!

Results showed fat cell size and fat storing volume actually shrunk!

Noradrenaline was just one of the compounds that Liz found in the red tea's 5 unique ingredients.
New Fat-Shrinking Rule #5
Exercise Less, Lose More Weight

Scientists have made astonishing discoveries, and a recent breakthrough is something scientists call the exercise "sweet spot." Your sweet spot is the exercise intensity level where the full fat-burning power of your body is unleashed so your body draws on fat stores for fuel.

You are not exercising harder. You are exercising smarter. Do this right, and fat layers under your skin vanish and excess pounds disappear. You can drop a dress or a pant size in two weeks as your whole body becomes firmer, sexier and trimmer.

Sadly, most people are eating too little and exercising too much, and this actually works against fat loss. You'll see how Liz's red tea can literally force your fat cells to open and detox your body to quickly cleanse away all those extra pounds and inches.

Sounds amazing, doesn't it?
If you've always wanted to fit into clothing you've only dreamed about before, I'll show you how you can rebalance your fat loss hormones and unblock crucial metabolic fat-burning steps so you can control your fat-burning and fat-storing hormones and do it as easy as 1, 2, 3.

I'll give you the secret red tea recipe today so you can make it right in your own home with cheap ingredients from your own grocery store. #sponsored

This delicious, zero-hunger, fat-burning red tea with incredible energy properties:

  • Force fat cells to open up and release harmful toxins that clog up fat cells
  • Reduce stress hormones like cortisol that block the brain's fat-burning signals
  • Allow released fat to be burned for energy and muscle growth
  • Stop the feeling of hunger and cravings
  • Cleanse released toxins and fat from the body

The Red Tea Detox


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