Does eating after 8 pm make you gain weight

You’re staring at your computer screen with weary eyes. Dinner has come and gone, but that
oh-so-familiar beast we call Hunger has reeled its damn head again.

But you can’t snack after eight o’clock, right? That’s weight loss rule number one. Or is it?

I’m about to share with you some helpful truths for a situation of this kind.

There’s an ironic flip-side to Liz's mostly honorable label of ‘Liz Swann Miller – Weight Loss

Liz would never gain excessive amounts of weight. Liz would never give in to that looming
golden M on the highway. Liz doesn’t snack late at night. How does Liz do it?

Let me tell you a secret. Liz struggles. Liz feels the exact temptations you feel, and resists the
exact pulls you resist. Liz often needs to remind herself not only to pursue a healthy lifestyle in order to fulfill the expectation of  her title as "Weight Loss Expert".

Liz said: "The temptation, for me, is at its worst late at night, during that time when I’ve supposedly
declared eating over, yet I’m fighting hunger, bleary-eyed, answering hundreds of emails
from clients seeking advice for topics such as this".

Firstly – it’s important to note that hunger is a basic survival instinct – and we must be
grateful for it. The fact that it exists is an amazing feat in itself. Don’t be ashamed. Just know
how to appease the beast.

There are those who claim the most effective diets are those which have you eating only
two meals a day, and drinking water for the rest. I strongly encourage you to ignore these
methods, as they are not sustainable.

The secret is snacking. And I don’t mean digging around in a bag of chips and licking the
salt off your fingers (we’ve all been there), I mean pouring yourself a bowl of organic nuts
Or blueberries. Or frozen peas. Be inventive, but clever about it. Choose the right food in

But let’s talk about the late-night secret. It’s simple. And easy. Are you ready for it?

Okay. It’s a cup of tea. Don’t underestimate those three words. Not to drink immediately before bed, but rather in the gap between dinner and sleep.

My go-to is the always delicious, always sufficient Red Tea. It satisfies the hunger itch, but
leaves me feeling clean, calm and revitalized, primarily due to its detoxifying properties. And
it’s caffeine free – so don’t fear, you won’t be bouncing from the walls.

Liz Swann Miller created this tea with ingredients selected carefully for late night cravings and overall weight loss. The benefits are endless, but the fat-burning solution is simple.

Set yourself a challenge. Liz will be right there with you. Ditch the chips, the ice cream, and the
guilty pleasure cheese blocks. Get the kettle bubbling and pour yourself a steaming mug of Red Tea.

You will fall in love with the taste – and late night cravings will be a beast of the past. The red tea detox does amazing work if your whining to put in the effort just takes 5 minutes of you time each day and you will start to see results you can try it anywhere you are no need for paying lots of money for a gym membership 

To get the Red Tea recipe (#affiliate), please click here now.

The Red Tea Detox


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